THE RED SUITCASE | Nepali Movie Trailer
"The Red Suitcase," a highly awaited Nepali suspense thriller film, is expected to engage viewers with its interesting storyline and excellent cast. Released on April 12, 2024 (Chaitra 30, 2080), this cinematic masterpiece is sure to impact audiences with a lasting impression.
“The Red Suitcase” is a film that was co-produced by FILM COUNCIL PRODUCTIONS and produced by ICEFALL PRODUCTIONS in collaboration with CINE SANKIPA. It stars Saugat Malla, Prabin Khatiwada, Shristi Shrestha, and Bipin Karki as its brilliant group.
The film follows the characters’ journey through surprising turns and turns against a backdrop of mystery and suspense. Audience will be engaged on the brink of their seats, waiting eagerly for the next reveal as secrets come to light and emotions build.
“The Red Suitcase” has an engaging plot and strong acting, and it’s sure to make an impact on audiences and establish itself as a must-see movie in Nepali cinema history.